Welcome to Clean Links

Clean and Christian Links is designed to be a site where you can go to find helpful links to websites, blogs, commentaries, and other resources. We hope to highlight a new site daily.

A number of the sites listed will be specifically geared towards those who are believers in Jesus Christ. In addition to the sites that our specifically "Christian" in nature, there will also be other sites considered useful, even if they may not be "Christian" in purpose.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Introducing "Links for Christians"

There are many things around the internet and the world wide web for you to see. Some of these things are good and helpful for Christians. Unfortunately, some of these things are things you wish you would not have seen.

The purpose of "Links for Christians" and its sister site, "Clean Links" is to highlight links that are clean and helpful. It is the goal to add links regularly, not just giving the link, but giving some details about the links. In addition to being able to scroll down to see the links, there will also be a side directory that will enable you to quickly locate links in the categories and topics that you desire. If you have links you would like to suggest for review and inclusion, please feel free to submit the links using the "comments" feature or via email to fcsansone @ gmail.com.

With "Links for Christians," it is my goal to provide a resource that will highlight some of the most helpful sights on the web. Inclusion of a link does not indicate complete endorsement of a site, but does indicate that there is helpful information available on the site.

I pray this site will be an asset for believers.

In Christ,

Pastor Frank Sansone


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